Now Accepting Applications!
Click Here to Apply!
The Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) has long been a catalyst for engaging citizens in conserving Missouri’s natural resources. With the growth of urban areas and increased population, it is essential that the strong conservation heritage of Missourians be passed on from generation to generation.
To achieve this goal, the CFM sponsors a special multi-year program. The Conservation Leadership Corps (CLC) offers high school and college students a unique opportunity to influence conservation policy and actions.
The goal of the program is that no matter where their chosen careers lead them, e.g., lawyer, doctor, accountant, engineer, journalist, forester, wildlife biologist, etc., the CLC participants are prepared to personally influence policy and actions that will contribute to the conservation of Missouri’s natural resources.
The CLC promotes leadership for the next generation by engaging students in the politics of conservation. Students develop personal conservation leadership skills that require teamwork with their peers during the resolution writing process. They are accepted as full voting members at the Annual Meeting and are invited to participate in committee discussions. The issue resolutions they research and develop in teams are submitted to the Federation’s voting membership. If approved, they carry the same weight as any other CFM policy resolution and become part of the basis for the Federation’s political activity throughout the year.
The program also allows students the opportunity to meet and interact with resource professionals from the Missouri Department of Conservation, the Department of Natural Resources, and other conservation organizations statewide. Students are encouraged to engage and volunteer in at least two of the numerous conservation activities offered throughout the year with other CLC students. Volunteer opportunities include CFM Explore the Outdoors Regional events, Pull for Conservation, Prairie Fork Work Days, Stream team clean-ups, or affiliate events.
The program is highly regarded by the Missouri Department of Conservation, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and other conservation organizations and is beneficial for internship and job opportunities. The program is a resume builder.
Students who are high school sophomores through college sophomores when they apply. Our hope is that students have the opportunity to have at least 2 years in the program. Applications open in the spring.
Potential Scholarships
Networking Opportunities (helps with internships AND jobs!)
Float Trip
Fall Workshop
Free Room/Board at CFM Annual Convention
Leadership Skills
Communication Skills
Learn about state and conservation policy-making
Lifelong Friendships
By CLC Members Ashley Hollis, Brooke Widmar, and Cassandra Barker
The Conservation Leadership Corps (CLC) is a multi-year youth education program for high school juniors and seniors and college students. The goal is to engage youth in sustaining the conservation of our natural resources and to develop the next generation of conservation leaders.
Since 2002 we have worked with over 400 students through the program. We want YOU to apply for CLC this year! Why? Here are 15 reasons: