CFM Election Results Announced

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CFM Election Results Announced

Conservation Federation of Missouri’s Affiliate Board and Board Elections were held over the month of January, and votes closed on January 31st. Thank you to the CFM membership for your vote. Your voice has been heard. We appreciate everyone that ran for these positions. Here is the list of the winners for the 2023 CFM Election:

Secretary: Benjamin Runge
Executive Committee: Lisa Allen and Tom Westhoff 
At-Large Board Members: Jim Low, Ralph Duren, Ryan Verkamp, Steve Jones

Affiliate Board of Directors:
Laurie Wilson with Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri (3-year term)
William Hall with Missouri Disabled Sportsmen Inc (3-year term)
Alex Scott with Ozark Fly Fishers (3-year term)
Michael Meredith with Missouri Master Naturalists – Great Rivers Chapter (3-year term)
Jeff Meshach with World Bird Sanctuary (2-year term)


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