*Resolutions older than five (5) years are considered “expired,” as of 2016.
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These are the proposed resolutions for 2025. Resolutions will be discussed during Natural Resource Breakout Sessions and voted on by the membership during the General Assembly meeting at Convention
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
No Resolutions | Archery and Shooting Sports |
No Resolutions | Big Game, Turkey, and Furbearers |
#2025-1 Advocating for Conservation Education to be added to the Missouri Learning Standards | Education and Outdoor Recreation |
No Resolutions | Environment and Ecology |
No Resolutions | Forest Resources and Management |
No Resolutions | Grasslands and Prairies |
#2025-2 Implement Wildlife Crossings in Missouri | Public/Private Lands |
#2025-4 Mandatory Boat Draining and Plug Removal to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species in Missouri | Rivers, Streams, and Fisheries |
No Resolutions | Upland Wildlife |
No Resolutions | Wetlands and Waterfowl |
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
No Resolutions | Archery and Shooting Sports |
No Resolutions | Big Game, Turkey, and Furbearers |
#2024-1 Increased Multi-Stakeholder Support for Show-Me Green Schools | Education and Outdoor Recreation |
#2024-2 Encourage Awareness of Microplastic Pollution in Missouri Streams #2024-3 Repeal Missouri Legislation Outlawing Plastic Bags Ban | Environment and Ecology |
No Resolutions | Forest Resources and Management |
#2024-5 Add Native Plant Species to Annual Fundraisers of Missouri FFA Chapters | Grasslands and Prairies |
#2024-6 Support Expansion of the Middle Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge | Public/Private Lands |
No Resolutions | Rivers, Streams, and Fisheries |
No Resolutions | Upland Wildlife |
#2024-8 CFM Supports a Framework for State Authorities to Protect Missouri Waters | Wetlands and Waterfowl |
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
No resolutions | Archery and Shooting Sports |
#2023-1 Rescind Certain Regulations Governing the Hunting and Trapping of Furbearers | Big Game, Turkey, and Furbearers |
No resolutions | Education and Outdoor Recreation |
#2023-2 Conservation Federation of Missouri’s Position on CO2 Emissions #2023-3 Urge the Implementation of Bird-Safe Windows on Missouri College Campuses | Environment and Ecology |
#2023-4 Encourage Ozark Chinquapin Restoration | Forest Resources and Management |
#2023-6 Support for the Passage of the North American Grasslands Conservation Act | Grasslands and Prairies |
#2023-7 Awareness for the Missouri Outdoor Recreational Access Program #2023-8 Oppose the Proposed Nexgen Silica Sand Mine in Ste. Genevieve County | Public/Private Lands |
No resolutions | Rivers, Streams, and Fisheries |
#2023-10 Support for Creation of a Missouri Small Game Hunting Challenge | Upland Wildlife |
No resolutions | Wetlands and Waterfowl |
Letters of Support
Support for Otter and Muskrat Trapping Season to Run
Concurrent to Beaver Season and MDC’s Response
Response Letter #2
Missouri Department of Conservation
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
#2021-1 Request for MDC Not to Allow Air Guns During Archery Season | Archery and Shooting Sports |
#2021-2 Support of Science-Based Management of Black Bears | Big Game, Turkey, and Furbearers |
#2021-3 Amphibian Chytrid Awareness | Environment and Ecology |
Forest Resources and Management | |
Public/Private Lands | |
Rivers, Streams, and Fisheries | |
#2021-10 Require Non-Toxic Shot for Small Game on All Missouri Department of Conservation Areas | Upland Wildlife |
#2021-11 Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) support of Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) intensively managed wetland areas and a Missouri Wetland and Waterfowl Symposium | Wetlands and Waterfowl |
Missouri Department of Conservation
St. Charles County
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
#2020-1 Remove Antler Point Restrictions for Youth Archery Permittees | Archery and Shooting Sports |
#2020-2 Support for Adding Shelf Stable Snack Sticks to Share the Harvest | Big Game, Turkey, and Furbearers |
#2020-3 Support for a Missouri Plan to Achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Environment and Ecology |
#2020-4 Use of Precision Agriculture on Missouri Department of Conservation Land | Public/Private Lands |
#2020-5 Halt the Planting of Non-native Invasive Species on State-Owned Property | Public/Private Lands |
#2020-6 Support the Rock Island Trail | Public/Private Lands |
Did NOT pass out of CFM General Assembly: Support Healthy Soils in Missouri | Environment and Ecology |
Did NOT pass out of CFM General Assembly: Support for Public Education about Pseudogymnoascus destructans in Missouri Bat Populations | Environment and Ecology |
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Transportation
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
1- Support for Raising Missouri’s Wildlife Violation Fines | Archery and Shooting Sports |
2 – Repeal Missouri Legislation Outlawing Plastic Bags Ban | Environment and Ecology |
3 – Incentive Program to Maintain Privately-Owned Pollinator Habitat | Grasslands and Prairies |
4 – Support Efforts That Would Increase the Responsible Use of Prescribed Fire as a Habitat Management Tool | Upland Wildlife |
5 – Support Eleven Point, Bryant Creek, Ozark Mountain and Jay Nixon State Parks | Public/Private Lands |
6 – Halt Sale of Weldon Woods | Public/Private Lands |
7 – Support for Feral Hog Eradication | Public/Private Lands |
University of Missouri – Weldon Springs
Missouri Department of Conservation
Resolution | Resource Advisory Committee |
1-Raising Missouri’s Wildlife Violation Fines | Archery and Shooting Sports |
2-Affiliate Volunteerism for Youth Engagement in Nature | Education and Outdoor Recreation |
3-Protect the Cooperative Research Units | Education and Outdoor Recreation |
4-Raise Public Awareness of Damaging Effects of Balloon Releases | Environment and Ecology |
5-Support of Robust Native Grassland and Grassland-wildlife Friendly Conservation Measures in the 2018 Farm Bill | Grassland and Prairies |
6-Support for Missouri’s Four New State Parks and The Eastern Segment of the Rock Island Trail | Public/Private Lands |
7-Strengthening the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Mission Statement | Public/Private Lands |
8-Restoration of Fisheries Professors at Missouri’s Universities | Rivers, Streams, and Fisheries |
Missouri Department of Conservation
US Deptartment of Agriculture
Environmental Protection Agency
Resolution | Author |
1 – National Conservation Funding | Dan Zekor et al. |
2 – Create the MoCCART | CLC: Gabrella Elliot, Brendan Woodall, Brooke Widmar, Ethan Green |
3 – MDC Bird App | CLC: Emily Samuel, Samantha Halley |
4 – Urban Forest Inventory and Analysis | CLC: James Brown, Marissa York, Katharine Lord, David Calandro, Dustin Collier, Trevor O’Brien |
5 – Society of American Foresters Accreditation of the Forestry Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia | CLC: James Brown, Marissa York, Katharine Lord, David Calandro, Dustin Collier, Trevor O”Brien |
6 – MDC NOT Allow Air Guns During Archery Season | Dick Wood |
7 – CRP mid-contract grazing | Tom Lampe |
8 – Effects of Predation on Quail Populations (defeated in General Assembly) | |
9 – Quail Priority Funding (defeated in General Assembly) | |
10 – Request for Additional SAFE Acres | Tom Lampe |
11 – Support MDC’s Proposed Regulation to Not Allow the Take of Feral Swine on Property Owned, Leased or Managed by MDC | Dan McMurty |
12 – CFM Supports all Regulations Prohibiting the Feeding of Bears in Missouri (defeated in General Assembly) | |
13 – Banning Felt or Porous Soled Shoes and or Boots in all Waters of Missouri | CLC: Ethan Green, Brooke Widmar, Gabrella Elliot |
14 – Stop the New Madrid Floodway Project (tabled in Resolutions Committee) | |
15 – Population (defeated in General Assembly) | |
16 – State-wide Ban of Microbeads | CLC: Caitlin Shoults, Ashley Hollis |
17 – Defend Missouri State Parks | Susan Flader, Missouri Parks Association |
18 – MO State Parks Leash Regulations Re-emphasis | Friends of Rock Bridge Memorial State Park Executive Board |
19 – Restoration of Maintenance Funding | CLC: Benjamin Pederson, Elizabeth Peoples, Paul O’Donnell |
20 – Amend Recreational Use Act to Protect All Landowners | Bill Bryan, Bill Lockwood |
21 – Acknowledging the Value of Native Grassland Landscapes Benefitting Wildlife, People and the Land | OAK Natural Resources Committee |
22 – Expansion of Share the Harvest (tabled in Resolutions Committee) | |
23 – Extending Turkey Hunting Hours | Jeff Craig |
Resolution | Author |
1 – Incentive Program for Private Wetland Owners | CLC: Neil Baalman, Dallas Ernst, Alexis Lankford, Alan Sachs |
2 – Research of Rapid White Oak Mortality | CLC: Alex Stoner, Phillip Boyer, Benjamin Diekmann |
3 – Asian Carp | CLC: Valerie Jones, Cameron Lockard, Brooke Widmar, Blake Simmons, Zachary Haverly |
4 – Urban Missouri Streams | CLC: Valerie Jones, Cameron Lockard, Brooke Widmar, Blake Simmons, Zachary Haverly |
5 – Fall Arrest System | CLC: Kevin Mesey, Elizabeth Peoples, Brian Hunter Jr., James Brown, Jessica Marcuson |
6 – MDC to Reconsider the Legal Limit During Archery Season | Mike Schallon |
7 – Designate Set Fields for Youth Dove Hunting | CLC: Brock Andreasen, Zachary Aldrich |
8 – Black Bear & Bobcat Study | Dan McMurtry, Chairman, Furbearer and Black Bear Committee |
9 – Missouri Discover Schools Program | CLC: Taylor Rohan, Emily Samuel, Gabrella Elliott, Brody Huff |
10 – Incentive Program for Season Grass | Tom Lampe |
11 – CRP Rental | Tom Lampe |
12 – MDC Incentive Money | Tom Lampe |
13 – Nest Predator Study | Tom Lampe |
14 – Non-toxic Shot | CLC: Zayne Aldrich, Aaron Eckelkamp, Greg Lambeth, Benjamin Pederson, William Schriener |
15 – Grazing Native Grass | Jef Hodges |
16 – Preservation of CCC and WPA | CLC: Danielle Tevlin, Dustin Hillis, Paul O’Donnell, Cody Cantwell |
17 – Recreational Usage of Waterways | CLC: Paul O’Donnell, Danielle Tevlin, Dustin Hillis, Cody Cantwell |
18 – Extend MDC Trail Access for General Public | Susan Flader |
19 – Milkweed and Monarch | CLC:Ashley Hollis, Mikenzie Hart, Theresa Hyland, Drew Swofford, Caitlin Shoults |
20 – Prairie Strips in Row Crops | Wallis W Warren, Jerry Castillon |
21 – Zebra Mussels | CLC: Phillip Stearns, Lacey Wabshaw, Ethan Green, Levi Bachmann, Mary Mabery, Edward Sterling |
22 – Deer Season Regulations | CLC: Brendan Woodall, Audrey Gaines, Kylie Sellers, Kent Keene, Aaron Fischer |
Resolution | Author |
1 – Support of Providing Adequate Restroom Facilities For State and Federal Public Land | Chris Crocker, CLC: Mikenzie Hart, Rebecca Davis, Jessi Hill |
2 – Save Missouri’s Largest National Park | Ron Coleman and Susan Flader |
3 – Missouri Water Quality Standards | CLC: Valerie Jones, Alexis Lankford, Dustin Collier |
4 – Protect Missouri’s Underground Aquifers | CLC: Dustin Collier, Alexis Lankford, and Valerie Jones |
5 – Support Wetland Reserve Program | CLC: David Calandro, Alan Sachs, Brendan Woodall |
6 – CFM Members in Fishing Education | CLC: Zach Morris, Ethan Green, Phillip Stearns, Lacey Wabshaw, Dakota Bartholomew |
7 – Funding for Fishing Clubs | CLC: Zach Morris, Ethan Green, Phillip Stearns, Lacey Wabshaw, Dakota Bartholomew |
8 – DESE Teaching Certification Requirements | CLC: Kelsey Rumley, Taylor Rohan, Shannon Henderson, Brody Huff, Christa Moore, Emily Samuel |
9 – Habitat Requirements in Farm Conservation Plans | Tom Lampe |
10 – Establish Well-managed Grazing | Tom Lampe |
11 – Adjustment of CRP Rental Rates | Tom Lampe |
12 – Health Study of Bobwhite Quail | Don Snyder and Tom Lampe |
13 – Nest Predator Study | Don Snyder and Tom Lampe |
14 – Lack of Quail Response to Habitat Work | Don Snyder and Tom Lampe |
15 – Development of a Native Warm-Season | CLC: Mike Herbst, Josh Marshall, Bill Schriener |
16 – Increase Cover on MDC Quail Emphasis Areas | CLC: Mike Herbst, Josh Marshall, Bill Schriener |
#17 Resolution Tabled | Rob Brandenburg |
18 – Missouri State Park Ranger Day | John Hoover, CLC: Kendell Loyd, Maggie Sperkowski, Paul O’Donnell, Samantha Halley |
19 – OAKs Funding | Andrea Balkenbush CLC: Samantha Halley |
20 – ONSR Management Plan | CLC: Zach Morris |
21 – Support of Parks, Soil and Water Sales Tax | CLC: Brooke Widmar, Paul O’Donnell, Patrick Conner, Maggie Sperkowski, Kendell Loyd, Colton Zirkle, and Samantha Halley |
22 – Support Bond Initiative | Chris Crocker, CLC: Patrick Conner, Brooke Widmar, Kendell Loyd, Maggie Sperkowski, Paul O’Donnel, Samantha Halley, Colton Zirkle |
23 – Missouri State Agencies and Corporate Agencies | CLC: Theresa Hyland, Ashley Hollis, and Carlee Luttrell |
24 – CFM Support of Missouri Solar Industry | Wallis Warren |
25 – Small Game Management | CLC: Mark Sharp, Zayne Aldrich |
26 – Position statement on Lead (pb) Ammunition and Fishing Tackle | John Schulz |
27 -Encourage DNR to Research & Develop Means to Adress Historic Waste Disposal Sites | CLC: Katherine Stockdale & Tyler Norman |
28 – Cleanup program for lead contaminated sites | CLC: Katherine Stockdale & Tyler Norman |
29 – Pesticide Collections Program | CLC: Katherine Stockdale & Tyler Norman |
30 – Scrap Tire | CLC, Katherine Stockdale & Tyler Norman |
31 – Captive Wildlife Inspection Program | Denver Long |
32 -CWD | Robert Brundage |
33 – Bear Scare in Missouri | CLC: Emily Wilbers, Taylor McCain, Josh Groves, Nick Matheney |
34 – Retaining the Right to Harvest Deer | CLC: Dallas Ernst, Sarah Foran, and Phillip Boyer |