Bid now on AKC Registered, Hunting Female Labrador Puppy Donated by Kevin and Barbra Pickett, River Hills Gun Club (retired)
To support CFM’s 9th Annual Pull for Conservation, CFM members Barbara and Kevin Pickett have donated a registered AKC female, yellow Labrador retriever from their personal litter.
CFM is accepting closed bids through Saturday, August 8. There is a “Purchase Puppy Now” price of $500. All funds support the Conservation Federation of Missouri.
The puppy will be available for in-person viewing at CFM’s Pull for Conservation event on Friday, August 7th, and Saturday, August 8th. For more information, visit the CFM website here.
The puppy has had its shots and is ready to find a permanent loving home.
Sire – 7 year old, 80 lbs, Black Labrador, AKC registered – Hunter Dam – 2 year old, 55 lbs, Yellow Labrador, AKC registered – Hunter
Sire and dam both have a great disposition, are proven hunters, and are great with children. The sire is waterfowl hunter and the mother is in her first year of hunting duck and dove.
Field and Stream – Labrador Retriever: The Total Outdoors Dog
They’re cute, no question. In calendars and sappy greeting cards, Labrador retriever puppies cavort and cuddle. For a hunter, cute is a Lab with a bird in his mouth, coat spackled with duckweed, paws slimed with mud. What melts a hunter’s heart is a Lab 100 yards beyond the farthest decoy, diving for a duck, never giving up. I’ve had wet Labs curled up in the backseat, stinking of swamp, too tired to walk-but let that pooch hear the jangle of a duck-call lanyard and there he is, at your side and ready to go. That, sir, is a dog.