David Risberg Memorial Affiliate Grant Program

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The David Risberg Memorial Affiliate Grants are awarded by the Conservation Federation of Missouri in honor of David A. Risberg. Only CFM affiliated organizations, in good standing, are eligible to apply. The purpose of these grants is to provide an opportunity for affiliates to take action on conservation by implementing projects funded in whole or in part through this endowment.

The 2025 Application Period Opens on September 5, 2024, and Closes on December 15, 2024.


CFM could award grants up to $30,000 in 2025. These grants support the implementation of conservation stewardship projects by affiliates within Missouri. Grant requests for up to $2,500 will be considered. The committee may award partial funding of the grant request amount – indicate on the application whether partial funding will be accepted.


Eligible participants include non-profit organizations, 501(c)3 corporations, or community groups that are affiliates of CFM. Grants may be awarded to CFM affiliate without official 501(c)3 status but will require a fiscal agent to receive the funds. Only proposals that take place in Missouri will be considered. Preference will be given to smaller organizations with more limited sources of alternative funding. If you are uncertain about eligibility, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Michelle at  mgabelsberger@confedmo.org.


  1. Provide support for implementing a conservation project.
  2. Provide an opportunity for people to take action on a conservation issue or to grow the conservation movement.
  3. Provide support enabling an affiliate to implement a conservation program, project or campaign to advance conservation priorities.


  • Youth hunting, fishing, or outdoor recreational programs
  • Equipment and supplies for a habitat restoration project (stipulations may apply)
  • Licensing fees to show a conservation-themed documentary
  • Tools or supporting materials for an “outdoor classroom” program of conservation education
  • Supplies and instructor expenses for a conservation-themed workshop or special course
  • Native plants for habitat restoration or a bird sanctuary, a butterfly garden, etc.
  • Trail or stream maintenance or improvement projects


Grantees will be required to sign a grant agreement, submit a final report that includes both a financial and narrative summary, and comply with all terms of the agreement. Projects must be completed by March 1, 2026, and the final report is due within 4 weeks of project completion or equipment/supplies purchase. Final reports should include pictures and copies of publicity/news articles (if applicable).


  • Send in one or two photographs or images (if available) that capture the project, plan, or group involved in the proposal. (This will appear as part of a project profile on the CFM website).
  • Complete the online grant application. 
  • Project description: Give a detailed but concise description of project objectives, activities, and associated timeline (grant funds available as early as March 8, 2025, and projects must be completed by March 1, 2026).
  • Measurable outcomes: Identify a few specific, measurable outcomes which demonstrate the success of your project
  • Project partner(s): List any partner organizations and briefly describe their contribution
  • Project budget and grant request amount (indicate whether partial funding would be accepted)
  • Project location(s): description, address, county, map–please be as specific as possible
  • Project participants: an estimate of the number of participants or others benefitting from the project and total volunteer hours.
  • Organization(s) and contact information: List the information for the individual to be contacted about the grant award, and responsible for implementation and reporting the project
  • Fiscal responsibility: Identify the grantee fiscal agent and signature authority for grant agreement, and list nine-digit Federal Tax ID Number. Provide contact information for the signature authority.
  • Letter of partner commitment, if applicable
  • CFM must be recognized as a funder of your project in any media or marketing related to your funded project.
  • Ongoing projects may not be funded once they’ve been funded for more than 2 consecutive years. This will allow CFM to diversify the projects we fund.


A committee composed of CFM board members and community representatives will rank the proposals based on the following criteria (100 points possible):

  • Conservation impact/relevance to the mission (75 points)
  • Availability of matching funds (10 points)
  • Affiliate capacity-building potential (5 points)
  • Project feasibility and cost-effectiveness (5 points)
  • Technical merit (5 points)


The 2025 grant cycle opens on September 5, 2024.

December 15: Applications for grant proposals close. All proposal materials are due. Scan and email to Michelle at mgabelsberger@confedmo.org 

January: The Committee completes the application review and makes grant awards.

February: All applicants will be notified about grant status.

March 8 – March 31: Checks will be mailed to recipients upon receipt of signed grant agreements.

30 days following project completion: Project report due to CFM (including any unused funds) Project Close-Out Report Click here.

September: Grant recipients from 2025 will submit 2-3 PowerPoint slides for the Affiliate Summit.

March 2026: Grant recipients to showcase their projects at the 2026 CFM Annual Convention.

2025 CFM David Risberg Memorial Grant Application

Go to  ABOUT CFM to familiarize yourself with CFM’s vision, mission, and values.

2024 Grant Recipients

The 20 CFM Affiliates who received a share of the $25,185 distributed through the annual David Risberg Memorial Grants are:

Capital City Fly FishersWomen’s Fishing Day and Giveaway
DarkSky MissouriEducating youth to advocate for the conservation of nighttime darkness as a natural resource
Duckhorn Outdoors Adventures3rd Annual David Risberg Memorial Youth Waterfowl Clinic and Hunts.
Forest and Woodland Association of MissouriEducational Field Day(s) – to educate landowners on forest health, management, and sustainability.
Greater Ozarks Audubon SocietyGreen Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems
James River Basin PartnershipSummer School Watershed Education for James River Watershed.
Lake of the Ozarks Watershed Alliance, Inc.Spring 2024 Earth Day Native Plant Symposium and Shoreline Clean-up.
Mid Missouri Prescribed Burn AssociationExpanded capacity for the Mid-Missouri Prescribed Burn Association
Missouri Disabled SportsmenColonel Tom Peak Memorial Upland Bird Hunt for Mobility Impaired and Youth Hunters.
Missouri Environmental Education Association“Mock Trail: invasive Species” An interdisciplinary lesson that blends ecology and civic engagement.
Missouri Grouse Chapter of Quail and Upland Wildlife FederationFunds will be used to create early successional forest habitat.
Missouri Hunting Heritage FederationMom and Me Mentored Hunt
Missouri Prairie FoundationSupport for MPF’s 13th Annual Prairie BioBlitz at MPF’s Shelton L. Cook Memorial Meadow Prairie.
Missouri River Bird ObservatoryNorthern Saw-Whet Owls: Natural History Research & Nightly Education Opportunities.
Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition (dba Stream Teams United)Stream Teams in Action 2024 – Stewardship and Education Projects.
National Wild Turkey FederationGovernors Mentored Deer Hunt
Outdoor Skills of AmericaIntroducing Missouri furbearers to participants in a classroom setting.
Ozark Fly FishersKids Fishing Day Giveaway and Demonstration
Ozark Trail AssociationOzark Trail Maintenance in State Parks.
Saint Louis Audubon SocietyA wildlife and birds viewing platform for the Little Creve Coeur Ecological Area.
Student Air Rifle ProgramStudent Air Rifle Program Expansion in Missouri.
The Open Space Council for the St. Louis regionBack to Nature at Crestwood Park.
Wild Bird RehabilitationProject Bird’s Eye View
Wild Souls Wildlife Rescue and RehabilitationAnnual Shop with a Conservation Agent.
wildHERnessEnhancing Educational Impact through Advanced Audio/Visual Equipment.
World Bird SanctuaryThe grant covered environmental education programs.


2023 Grant Recipients

The 20 CFM Affiliates who received a share of the $25,185 distributed through the annual David Risberg Memorial Grants are:

Duckhorn Outdoors Adventures2nd annual David Risberg Memorial Youth Waterfowl Clinic and Hunts
Forest and Woodland Association of MissouriField Tours/Days- tours will educate landowners on forest health and management, timber stand improvement and harvest, tree plantings, invasive control, and prescribed fires. 
Greater Ozarks Audubon SocietyGreen Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems
Greenbelt Land Trust of Mid MOManagement Plan for Recent Addition to Big Nature Preserve: Drafting and Initial Implementation of Management Plan
Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation Beginner Archery for Private, Homeschool, and other Organizations
Missouri Environmental Education Association“Mock Trail: Invasive Species” is an interdisciplinary lesson that blends ecology and civic engagement.
Missouri Grouse Chapter of Quail and Upland Wildlife FederationForest habitat for ruffed grouse, woodcock, songbirds, and all wildlife
Missouri Hunting Heritage FederationIncreasing Accessibility for Kids in our Hunter Education Clinics
Missouri Parks Association Connecting People with their Pollinators- Pollinator Traveling Trunk and Learning Garden
Missouri Prairie FoundationPrivate Remnant Prairie Landowner Support Program
Missouri River Bird ObservatoryWeekly Winter Webinar Series for people of all ages to learn about wildlife, conservation, and outdoor recreation
Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition (dba Stream Teams United)Story Book Trail Native Planting by Stream Team #3757
National Wild Turkey FederationGovernors Youth Mentored Turkey Hunt
Outdoor Skills of AmericaSecuring a firearm safe for the KC Region YHEC( Youth Hunter Education Challenge) program and Outdoor Skills of America, INC
Ozark Fly FishersKids Fishing Day Giveaway and Demonstration
Ozark Trail AssociationUpdating the Ozark Trail Guidebook
Pheasants Forever, Inc. & Quail ForeverSupport for Mid Missouri Prescribed Burn Association of Enhance Habitat
Student Air Rifle ProgramStudent Air Rifle Program Expansion in Missouri
The Open Space Council for the St. Louis regionExpansions of the Passport to Clean Water Program
Wild Souls Wildlife Rescue and RehabilitationShop with Conservation Agents