I’d like to tell you about Artemis. Artemis is an initiative of the National Wildlife Federation to engage women in the great outdoors. Through our Partnership with CFM, we want to spread the word to all the ladies out there that hunt, fish, and want to get more involved with conservation projects in our beautiful state of Missouri.
I found out about Artemis through The Hunting Public podcast. I was immediately intrigued as I had never had much luck finding other women that were as passionate about hunting and the outdoors as I am.
After hunting for 12 years, I had decided it was time to give back more than I take from the woods. That’s where Artemis comes in. Planning to go online and join my local Artemis group was first on my agenda! To my surprise, Missouri did not have an Artemis Ambassador yet. As anxious as it made me to step that far out of my comfort zone, I applied.
As women in a sport dominated by men, we all have good stories of being supported and encouraged and just as many bad stories of maybe not being heard or taken seriously. Artemis gives us a voice and a place to learn together and from one another. One thing I have learned during our Artemis Ambassador meetings is that we are all different, we all hunt, fish, forage differently and no one admits to being an expert about any of it, which is refreshing. We support each other and help each other learn in an environment of positive women all supporting one common goal. That goal is to be leaders in fish and wildlife fields, protect the wildlife we love and the places they live, and to ensure our future generations can enjoy them as we do.
If you would like to learn more about Artemis and who we are, please visit www.artemis.nwf.org. Please join me in our local Facebook group to find out about conservation projects and events we will be working on this year: www.facebook.com/groups/artemismissouri/.
Happy hunting, ladies and I can’t wait to meet you!