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How can you protect Missouri's outdoors?

CFM is our state's largest and most active conservation organization.

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    Our Mission
    To ensure conservation of Missouri’s wildlife and natural resources, and preservation of our state’s rich outdoor legacy through advocacy, education and partnerships.

    The Conservation Federation of Missouri is a private organization made up of thousands of Missourians who work together to better our natural resources and represent Missouri’s citizen conservationists. Actively involved in state and national issues that relate to conservation, the Federation has long been a prominent and effective voice before the Missouri general assembly, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

    The members of CFM are the conscience of hunters, fishermen, foresters, campers, trappers, hikers, paddlers, birdwatchers, and more. CFM speaks for sportsmen and sportswomen whenever and wherever it is necessary, to support our collective opinions on the future of Missouri outdoors. In fact, most of the conservation legislation in Missouri today exists, because of the federation’s strong advocacy work. CFM is not a branch of state government or an entity of a public agency.  

    Vision Statement
    The Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) envisions a future of continued strong citizen support for conserving our state’s rich natural resources including abundant wildlife, healthy forests, clean water and air, and land in which Missourians enjoy the outdoors. CFM envisions Missouri’s public and private natural resources are scientifically managed by private landowners and strong, science-based agencies for the benefit of all Missourians.
    • The hunting and fishing heritage of CFM’s founding members.
    • An independent Conservation Commission that manages our hunting, fishing and trapping resources and associated outdoor recreation based on sound science without political special interests.
    • A 1/8 of one percent conservation sales tax funding the scientific work of the Missouri Department of Conservation together with dedicated license reviews, federal excise taxes on hunting and fishing all expended under the sole discretion of the Conservation Commission that is enshrined in our state Constitution.
    • A state park system funded through revenues and fees and a 1/10 of one percent statewide sales tax expended under the authority and direction of the Department of Natural Resources solely to fund state parks and soil and water conservation.
    • Diversity and inclusiveness of experiences, backgrounds, perspectives and outdoor interests. We learn from our varied experiences and ways of thinking and leverage our diversity to be more effective in achieving our mission.
    • Collaboration with members, affiliates, partners, and others toward our collective missions for the future of conservation and the outdoors through open and honest communication.
    • Science-based decision-making in the management of Missouri natural resources.
    • Respect for the time and commitment of our members and affiliates.
    What we do

    The Voice for Missouri Outdoors

    We work to conserve Missouri’s wildlife and natural resources and to protect our outdoor heritage. Click here to view our Legislative Action Center.

    The Federation is working diligently to pass on our conservation legacy to the next generation of professionals and to inform all Missourians on current conservation issues.

    With over 100 affiliate organizations and 75 business partners, we serve as the united voice for Missouri outdoors.

    Action Center

    See what’s happening in the Missouri State Capitol.

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    Aldo Leopold

    "Conservation, at the bottom, rests on the conviction that there are things in this world more important than dollar signs and ciphers. Many of these things attach to the land, and to the life that is in it and on it. People who know these things have been growing scarcer but less so in Missouri than elsewhere. This is why conservation is possible here."

    Aldo Leopold, 1947