Jefferson City, MO (May 9, 2016) – Clean water is of paramount importance to all Missourians. Missouri’s Clean Water Commission was designed to represent the best interests of all citizens, not any one certain segment of society.
Missouri’s Clean Water Commission consists of seven members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. It is currently set up so not more than two members shall represent agriculture, industry and mining, and not more than one shall represent wastewater. Not more than four of the seven may belong to the same political party.
Senate Amendment 1 to House Bill 1713 would change the make up of the commission allowing it to be overloaded by those representing the interests being regulated.
Amendment 1 would change “not more than two shall be knowledgeable concerning the needs of agriculture, industry or mining” to “At least two shall be knowledgeable concerning the needs of agriculture, industry or mining.” Amendment 1 would also create the change, “Not more than four members shall represent the public,” thus limiting the public’s interest in their own clean water supplies.
Amendment 1 was offered on the floor and NO PUBLIC HEARING was held. This is not acceptable for changing a commission with such a vital public health and environmental mission as our clean water.
Missouri’s Clean Water Commission exists and operates to conserve, protect, maintain and improve the quality of public water supplies for domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreation and other legitimate beneficial uses and for the propagation of wildlife, fish and aquatic life. The public should not be limited in representation on this crucial commission.
House Bill 1713 has been sent back to the House for concurrence. It is vitally important you contact your State Representative and tell them NO to Amendment 1 on House Bill 1713.
To obtain contact information for your State Representative, log on to the Legislative Action Center.
*House Bill 1713 does not appear on the Legislative Action Center since CFM has no official position on the original bill.
Contact Brandon Butler at (573) 634-2322 or for more information.